Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Great Balls of Fire

I hate mince - there I said it and I am not making any excuses for it! I will make certain exceptions but I still hate mince.

I buy my meat at a real butchery, where you "meet your meat" before they cut it. I normally settle on a tollie (bullock) that has been hung for 3-4 weeks. Now when you buy your meat like this, you get a good few packets of mince and I always stack it at the back of the freezer until all the "good" stuff is finished!

So we've eaten the steaks, the goulash and the bones have made the best soups and now all that is left is mince! Piles of it staring at me every time I open the freezer door.

But, like I said I have some exceptions to my dislike hate of mince. I love spaghetti and meatballs, and please use the American Italian accent when you say it!

I have no Italian in my blood, but I do love the food. I don't stick to rules, and use the pasta shapes I like, rather than the one I should. But that's what cooking is all about, letting your meals get a life of their own.

This meal takes some time to prepare, but it is really comforting and says "I love you" in the best way I know how!


500g Beef Mince
15ml Crushed garlic
1 Egg
125ml Breadcrumbs
125ml grated Parmigiana Reggiano or Grana Padano
30ml Jenny Morris Volcanic Spice (or Black Pepper and chilli)
30ml Numo dry Tomato and Herb pesto
30ml Rubbed Thyme

Preheat the oven to 180°C
Mix all the ingredients together by hand and make balls the size of walnuts.
Fry in hot oil until browned and then bake for 30 mins.

Basic Neapolitan Sauce

2 Onions finely sliced
1/2 a red pepper
1 chopped garlic clove
3 tins peeled tomatoes (410g)
3 TBSP fresh oregano
4 sprigs of thyme
10ml of sugar
15 Capers in salt (if you use the capers in brine, you will need to wash them and add extra salt)
1 green chilli
Lots of Black Pepper

Fry the onions and pepper in olive oil until soft, but not brown.
Add the tomatoes, herbs and garlic.
Leave to simmer slowly, stirring occasionally and adding a little water if it looks like it is drying out.
I cook it until everything has broken down. You may need to help the tomatoes by mashing them a little.

Once your sauce is ready, add the meatballs and cook slowly for another 20 mins.

Prepare your pasta and then serve with lots of sauce and meatballs.

Good luck in trying to save some for lunch!


  1. I love mince, simply because of its versatility, but I HATE savory mince like they serve at some breakfasts. But meatballs - well prepared like yours are my absolute favorite......the secret is cooking it for long....

  2. I think is really the savoury mince thing that I hate, but like you say it's got to cook for a long time.

  3. Oh, I love mince! But I agree that some savoury mince can be pretty yuk. May current favourite is making pork mince patties/balls flavoured with coriander and chipotle chile ketchup - just the best!

  4. Jeanne - I am heading towards trying something with pork mince. Never tried it before, but I'm sure the flavours will be great, as I love pork!


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