Friday, 22 August 2008


I was rather young when I first heard about K.I.S.S., and not the group of Americans who dressed in tight black leather and wear more make up then Zsa Zsa Gabor. I'm talking about K.I.S.S. - as in "Keep It Simple Stupid". This is a very good rule when cooking, especially if you're not Michel Roux .

Naked Chefs and Nude Foodies are all the rage and rightly so. Buying good ingredients and letting their flavours come through, without fuss, makes perfect sense to me.

My K.I.S.S Lamb is great for those of you who are inspired to try some Nude and Naked cooking!


2 Whole Lamb Ribs - the thin belly ribs
½ cup Fresh Rosemary Leaves removed from the stalks
Hand full of Sea Salt
Olive Oil

In your mortar and pestle place the salt and the rosemary and a little oil for lubrication and pound to a rough paste.
Spread this all over the lamb, top and bottom.
Place into your oven at 180°C for about an 1½ hours, until the meat is cooked.
I like to cook it for a long time so the fat renders out and you are left with soft meat with a crisp skin.


  1. Rose, I had this in the middle of the Namib desert. My best meal ever.I reckon if you have good quality lamb you do not need anything else than rosemary, salt and pepper. Right up my alley, this one!

  2. We added a splash of lemon juice this evening.
    This is one of those recipes of yours that has to be inspired by something great to be so good.

    How does the saying go? When you're, you're good ...........

  3. Just - Thanks, I forgot to mention the lemon.

  4. Nina - Eating this outside in the dessert is like heaven.

  5. Doesn't get much better than that. Oh wait, - maybe using herby Karoo lamb? Swoooooon!

  6. Jeanne - Always and only Karoo lamb.


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