Monday, 9 February 2009

De Kelders to De Mond

This was our Saturday hike - 40 kms in extreme heat along the pristine coastline east of Hermanus. I could not decide which photos to share, so I thought I would treat you to a whole collection. To view entire album click here.

And of course there is always food involved - Here you have my Homemade Heaven Whole-wheat Seed Bread, with roast beef, lettuce, gerkin, tomato, onion and horseradish.


  1. It looks beautiful, but were you really out there this weekend - it was scorching here on Saturday, I couldn't have walked 1km let alone 40!

    You must be gettign so fit now!

  2. Wow. this is a beautiful country we live in!!! I was sweating away in the kitchen while you were walking along the beach!!!!

  3. Kit - It was really hot out there. I did take a swim, but the water was freezing. Feeling very fit and strong - loving the burn!

    Nina - there are walks on the beach and then there is the trip through the corridors of hell - it was pretty darn out out on that beach!

  4. I have to say, if I must hike, I'd prefer to hike on a beach!! Although I don't think I've walked 40km in one go in my life... I'm proud when I do 45 minutes of cardio at the gym and actually enjoy it :) Lovely pics - isn't De Kelders just too pretty?


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