This is a day of miracles!
On the 5th morning I woke up and as usual did the aches and pains inventory. As I lay there I was not sure if I was dead or paralyzed! I felt nothing, not one single pain anywhere!
For the first time I jumped out of my sleeping bag (instead of the usual leopard crawl) and did some squats just to check - nothing! Where was the pain? It was a real miracle. The going was so much easier, even my bag felt lighter. I had even managed to work out how to put it on without help - much to the relief of the guys!
This was big daddy of the entire hike. We covered about 35km, mainly because the going underfoot was so much better than previous days, to the extent that it was the day that we finished feeling a lot fresher than the previous days.
We went past the grave of a German Soldier, who had been killed in a battle with the Nama people of
Norman took a big fall in the river, so he had to use the washing line that night to dry his "delicates" on the make shift washing line.
Dinner was pasta with a tomato and salami dish which went down a treat. We even had some chocolate pudding, which I found really lifted my spirits, because I could not help feeling a little sad knowing that tomorrow this would all end.
It all sounds a truly amazing experience and waking up free of aches and pains even more so! I'm in awe of your catering abilities too!