Friday, 17 July 2009

Too good for Health Food

Over the years I have tasted my fair share of "health food". I've done meal replacement shakes that were supposed to taste like chocolate, but tasted like pond scum. I done wheat grass and vowed never again.

Looking back, there are lots of "health foods" that really have nothing to do with health and more to do with punishment. You only loose weight on them because you feel so sick after eating or drinking them and you can't think of food while your head is hanging over the toilet bowl.

I just received my Shape magazine, and while browsing through I came across a recipe for Buttermilk Oats and Orange pancakes. They looked good enough to eat the page!

I set about remodeling the recipe with huge success. This is a health food which really does make you feel good.

Buttermilk Oats and Orange pancakes
Serves 8

500ml Buttermilk
375ml Oats
60ml Self Raising flour
60ml Ground Almonds
5ml Salt
45ml Honey
1 egg and 1 egg yolk
60ml Coconut oil (melted)
Zest of 1 Orange
1 teaspoon Bi-carbonate of soda
Coconut oil for frying and non-stick spray

Pour the buttermilk over the oats and leave to stand for 10 minutes.
In a separate bowl :
Sift the flour and mix in the almonds.
Stir the honey, eggs, oil and zest and then add the oat mixture.
Cover and leave to rest in the fridge for an hour.
Spray a Teflon pan and then heat a thin layer of coconut oil in the pan.
Add enough of the pancake mix to cover the pan.
the mixture is rather thick so you might need a spoon to spread it around.
Fry until the top makes small bubbles and is almost set.
Turn over and fry until golden brown.
Keep warm and repeat with remaining mixture.
Serve with orange syrup.

Orange Syrup
250ml Fresh Orange juice
Juice of 1 lemon
30ml sugar / or honey

Boil together until reduced by half.

I also made some orange "chips"
Thinly slice an orange.
Sprinkle with a little sugar and bake at 200°C until caramelized.

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