Thursday, 1 October 2009

Forever Ice-cream!

We have sayings about "making hay while the sun shines", "when life gives you lemons make lemonade" and my person favourite "well behaved women rarely make history", but what about when life hands you strawberries - what do you make? - Ice-cream, and lots of it!

I made Strawberries and Cream ice cream and it is so good, you certainly won't be tempted to spend a fortune on some famous brand - "made like no other® ".

This ice cream is not the usual pink artificial stuff you see in your supermarket, this is pure indulgence and each mouthful says "hello" to every taste bud in your mouth!

Strawberries and Cream Ice Cream

500g Strawberries (washed, hulled and cut in pieces)
250g -300g Sugar (depending on how sweet you like it)
Juice of 2 lemons
250ml Fresh Cream Whipped
2 Egg Whites stiffly Whipped

Cook together the strawberries, sugar and lemon juice until pulped.
Allow the pulp to cool - I placed it in an ice bath for an hour and then in the freezer for another hour.
Stir in the stiffly whipped cream and then the egg whites and freeze.
You can use your ice-cream maker, or just freeze in a plastic container and give it a stir every hour until it is solid.
Serve with freshly sliced strawberries or if you having a Bridget Jones moment - straight from the container!

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