Thursday, 25 February 2010

Totally Irresponsible

Since becoming part of the press, well I only have one little blog - but I still publish my views and write articles and I might not be have received my Pulitzer prize for journalism yet, but I'm working on it. These things can take time. I still believe in the value of responsible reporting.

A mark of a true democracy is not how many people are at the voting booths, but rather in the freedom of the press to report on the events - even if what they say is not popular to the ruling majority.

There is a big "BUT" in the freedom of the press. I think that in our world of instant access to information, we have become news junkies. Publishing news has become more important than truth or morals. I strongly feel that the media / press has a moral responsibility to society.

I grew up in a country where news was bias. Some people lived for 50 years totally ignorant of life around them. The pictures which I see now of events which took place, surprise and horrify me. I thought I lived in a peaceful country where every one was happy and lived a good life. Now of course I know this was not the truth, and that is thanks to the press, who opened all our eyes to the harsh realities of so many of our fellow South Africans.

But there are things which, while they might be true, are not news worthy or morally right. Off the top of my head I think of a few, which you might have heard or seen and wondered the same - or perhaps you feel it's your right to know.

A local man thought he had won R91 million in the lottery, his photo was taken and he story printed in a local rag. The reporter in question, never bothered to check his ticket and as a result he and his family had to go into hiding. Turns out that he had the right numbers, just the wrong date!

Brad and Angelina are breaking up or NOT. These people have children, at least one of their children attends school, where he has to find out that his parents are getting divorced. So what if they are? And why do we need to know every time Jennifer gives Brad a call? I certainly would not want my son to hear this kind of news on Twitter or where ever else people spread this kind of rubbish - true or not.

In 2006, the New York Times printed an article claiming a woman was jailed in El Salvador for having an abortion. It turns out that the woman had been convicted of murdering her child after birth. The author relied on an unpaid translator who had worked with an abortion rights group.

These do not start to cover the amount of bloggers out there, who come out with some really outrageous claims and statements. While these people might not be paid, and they certainly have a right to say whatever they want, morally it is not right.

Food blogs are a dangerous playground, and I have found that there are people out there who don't know that using Google pictures and then claiming they made the dish (with a beautiful photo attached), is just not fair on the rest of us who believe them. If you haven't made it - just say you got the recipe, it looks great on paper but whether it works or not - is any one's guess.

This brings me to my latest creation. As a responsible food blogger, and part of the responsible news media (I couldn't resist that), I feel I should warn you about making this. If you have children, are watching you weight or simply have a highly addictive personality, then please don't read any further. These Chocolate Nut Fudge squares are like heroin. Once you have one, you will not be able to stop and because they only take 5 minutes to make you'll be hard pressed to convince your family you don't have time either.

I came across this recipe, and it did have a warning - but I certainly don't think it was strong enough, irresponsible blogging! Now I have a batch sitting at home (which was supposed to be a gift) and I can't wait to leave work just to start eating again. Thank you to Marisa at the Creative Pot ,you have made my next month at the gym a living nightmare!

Choc Nut Fudge
Makes 36 (ouch I forgot to count, could have eaten that many?)

2 x 100g dark chocolate slabs
1 x 100g milk chocolate slab
1 x 390g tin condensed milk
1/3 cup plus 1 tbsp peanut butter
1/2 cup salted peanuts
a pinch of salt

1. Break chocolate into a microwaveable bowl, add condensed milk and peanut butter and microwave on 60% heat for 4 minutes or until melted.
2. Stir, adding salt and peanuts until evenly combined. Pour into a greased 18 x 18cm dish, smoothing the top and place in the refrigerator for a few hours until set.

I manage to salvage some form of health with diner, grilled Cape Salmon with a salad and a baked potato - followed by a few Chocolate Nut fudge squares!


  1. Definitely irresponsible blogging from my side - I take full responsibility! I also can't stop eating the fudge. I think I might have to give some of it away just so it can stop tempting me. Glad you enjoyed it though... I think the extra sweat-sessions at the gym is worth it for these babies!

  2. Holy moly, that looks fantastic! Thanks for the warning... which will clearly go unheeded!


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