Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Following Footprints Part Eight

Day 8, the sun rises on the plateau, as beautiful and awe inspiring as the last night's sunset. The only difference is that this sunrise brings with it sadness - the 8 days are nearly over. As much as you cry and hurt , promise yourself you'll never do it again or you dream about cheese burgers and ice cold beer,  that last morning has an empty feeling. A feeling of "what now?". But still, you get on with what needs doing, you put on your boots and pack you bag for the last time and head off home.

The first part of the morning is spent walking over the Never Ending Hills, and so cleverly named too! Each rolling hill brings the promise of the descent, but is only followed by another hill.

Eventually we were on our way down and at a rapid pace too, literally falling out of the sky. A slippery slope of loose rocks which force you to watch your every step until you find yourself in yet another kloof (ravine) and then walking, falling, jumping and boulder hoping to the end.

 The last kloof has the most beautiful waterfalls and inviting pools and if you're brave enough (the water is very cold) you can enjoy a "relaxing" swim. I didn't but Aldred, Werner, Norm and Corneels did.

The hike is over when you get back to Hikers Haven (actually it should be called Hikers Hell), and then all that's left is to enjoy the cold beers and start planning the next trip.

On the drive out of the park we managed to see a small herd of Kudu, what a special goodbye.

Thank you for all those who followed the footprints for the last 8 days. I hope you enjoyed the hike and have been inspired to get your boots on and make some footprints of your own.


  1. what an awesome hike, the photo's are really stunning :)

  2. Hurray! You made it! Congratulations! Think I'll stick to armchair following in your footsteps for now. I'm put to shame by my mother who has just spent three days doing 13 mile day hikes in Scotland... maybe I'll be fitter than I am now by her age!

  3. Lavender - Thanks, It was an awesome experience.

    Kit - No time like the present, but you'll have to wait until the kids are bigger, you can't do big multi day hike with small children, a husband is enough work!

  4. Wow, you are very intrepid! Congratulations on completing the hike. I'm hoping to do some longer walks and maybe some multi-day hikes in the future but I know that this trail will remain beyond my abilities - so thank you so much for sharing your experiences and lovely photos. I got a real sense of the scenery and atmosphere and the challenges and rewards of the terrain. Wonderful!


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