Monday, 14 March 2011

Take Time for Lunch

Courgette and Ricotta Toasts
 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You've heard that from your doctor, your health guru, your Patrick Holford books, your friends (the fat and the skinny ones) and of course even your Mother. I always have breakfast, but I certainly don't have time to put much thought into it.

Unless you idly rich, unfortunately unemployed, live with your mother or in an institution like prison, it's highly unlikely you have time to make a cooked breakfast on a weekday morning - unlike every family on American TV that has pancakes every morning (which no one ever eats). For me it's either a tub of yoghurt, cereal, some fruit or if I'm really thinking out the box a slice of toast (on weekends only).

Now lunch, this is a meal I can selfishly enjoy. It's the one meal that I can make and not consider any family dietary requirements, tastes or moods. I work ½ day (collective sigh here) and when I get home at lunch time, I love the freedom of having whatever I feel like eating. This is me time. I prefer to eat a larger lunch and a smaller supper - that's just me, and I know it's because I work ½ day (another collective sigh).

Here is my lunch from Friday - I know I would be the only one in my family to eat a combination like this, but it was so good. I ate it so fast I got hiccups! 

Courgette and Ricotta Toasts
Serves 1 (Me, Me and only Me)

3 slices Ciabatta Bread 
2 Courgettes thinly sliced lengthwise
4 Tablespoons Fresh Ricotta
6 Capers
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper

Heat your griddle pan to hot.
Rub the bread and courgettes with oil
Toast the bread in the pan and grill the courgettes until marked and slightly soft.
Place a generous amount of ricotta on each slice of toast.
Place the sliced courgettes on the ricotta.
Place 2 Capers on each slice.
Season to taste.
Drizzle with a little extra olive oil.
Enjoy alone if possible. 


  1. Now that's a good lunch! What a wonderful combination of flavours, I can see why you scoffed it all by yourself!!

  2. I make oatmeal most mornings. If I soak the oats overnight, it's a snap to cook up in the morning, even steel-cut oats!

    Your lunch looks way tastier than mine. Lunch around here is usually a clean-out-the-fridge meal.

  3. Never mind a collective sigh for your half day job. Let's all sigh together at the look of this delightful sandwich!!! Yummo!!!

  4. Love the addition of the capers! Looks like the perfect lunch, and I think it'd even work for a packed lunch if you made closed sandwiches - score.


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