Monday, 18 April 2011

Lemon Shortbread

I have been so blessed that my childhood memories are such happy ones. I had so many people in my life, from aunts and uncles to teachers and friends, all of whom helped me to create a quilt of happy places I still retreat to on grey days.

I'm not saying I grew up in a bubble, to be sure, I've had my share of heart breaks and let downs. It's just that the silver lining has always been brighter than the cloud. The older I get (and I'm not that far into old yet) the more I realise that the best memories are priceless, yet do not involve money.

Looking over the highlight reel of my life (so far) they all happen in times and places that are surrounded by family and friends doing things which didn't cost anything.

The best crayfish I have ever tasted, was not in a fancy silver-service restaurant, but rather caught and cooked fresh on the beach in sea water, surrounded by Varsity friends in Lamberts Bay! 
My most memorable lunch : Curry sarmies (sandwiches) and a flask of coffee on the rocks on a cold winter's day on the cliffs of Hermanus.
Best chocolate dessert? Instant chocolate pudding, made with powdered milk- what you say? I can assure you that when you've hiked 60kms in 4 days and everything you have is on your back, your standards are not as high as you would think.

So how do these simple childhood memories bring me back to the best shortbread recipe I have ever made or tasted? Simple, it is so easy to make - you don't need fancy equipment, lots of time or skills learnt over years of training at Le Cordon Bleu!

This is a recipe that  you can make memories with!
Lemon Shortbread
Lemon Shortbread

220g Cornflour
220g Cake Flour
110g Castor Sugar
250g Soft Butter
Finely Grated zest of 2 Lemons (washed and unwaxed)

Pre-heat the oven to 160C
Sift the dry flours together.
Add the sugar
Work in the butter and the zest until you have a stiff dough.
I use my cake mixture with the paddle attachment, but this can be done by hand.
Grease a 20cm - 30cm baking tray.
Smooth the dough in the tray and pre-cut into biscuits.
Prick the dough with a floured fork.
Bake for about 50 minutes until lightly golden.
Re-cut and re-prick the biscuits when you remove from the tray from the oven.
 Dust with extra castor sugar (optional)
Leave the shortbread to cool completely in the tray before removing.
Best enjoyed with a good cuppa tea.


  1. Fancy schmancy Rose. Love the writing style too!!

  2. I love the backdrop you've set to this recipe. I'm thinking back now on similar experiences, involving simple but good food and the love of family and friends. The shortbread is stunning!Love to start making some memories with this one.

  3. Lovely nostalgic post - and so true! The simplest things are often the most memorable because of the people we share it with.

  4. What beautiful shortbread! I'll take mine with a cup of Earl Grey, please.

  5. Very nice.. I look forward to trying this recipe. I make biscuits for the Biscuit Village ( and my shortbread recipe is close thos this but slightly less flour and more sugar. I'm making a batch for my family this weekend so I'll try this recipe and let you know how is turns out. Many Thanks

  6. I did not realise this is precisely what I have been craving until I saw it o your blog... Thanks! xxx

  7. Baie Dankie vir die Resepte. Dit was lekker om te hoor by die Kuber Kok van jou blog. Dit gaan so besig wees more so ek is nie seker of ek sal tyd kry om die resep te toets nie maar dankie vir die bydra.

  8. Best lemon shortbreads I've seen Rose. You are right about the no price experiences often being priceless and memorable. Makes me want to give my family and friends a ton of hugs.

  9. Ek het my kersgeskenkboksie sopas gevul met die shortbread en hoop dit laat herinneringe by my familie!
    Baie dankie! So maklik en ekonomies!

  10. The simplest things are indeed the best. I am going to go and bake a batch of these now. Thanks for the inspiration :-)


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