Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Peppermint Crisp Ice-Cream

I spent Christmas in Australia, Rockhampton - Queensland to be exact.

Until now I thought Hell was a really hot place place deep under the earth, where evil people spend eternity burning and gnashing their teeth.

Rockhampton has a special tourist attraction for those wishing to experience the heat of hell, without being surrounded by pesky evil people and those with irritating teeth gnashing issues. It also has the added advantage of being only 20 kms from the sea and you don't have to go far (usually at least 3 rooms in your home) to find an air conditioner!
There are some strange customs in Australia. I say strange, because if your tried them in South Africa, you would be sent to hell, or at least told to pack your suitcase and make a quick start.

One of the strange things is that everyone takes off their shoes when they enter the house. It blows my mind when I think of some of the people I know walking bare foot on my floors - I still enforce the 5 second rule when I drop food. Obviously the 5 second rule would fall away pretty smartly, especially if you're as privileged as me to have 2 teenage boys in the house - using my floors.

My sister understood my dilemma and was very accommodating, as sister's are. A special new friend I made, actually kept her shoes on during my visit, as she understood that I just hate being without shoes, no matter how clean the floors are. No offense, I will wear slippers if you provide them.

Anyhow, back to being hot as hell - just prettier and with much nicer people. Rockhampton has great fishing and people really take advantage of spending time out on the water in their little boats (call tinnies). I spent the morning fishing and crabbing for mud crabs (they live in the mud, not taste like mud).
 The mud crab is Queensland's largest crab and one of five species found in the area. Unfortunately the 2 we caught (with crab pots) had to be thrown back. Only males larger than a certain size can be caught and no females may be taken out at all.
Crocodile Ribs
Like I said yesterday I got to eat some amazing food, even the crocodile ribs. But there are things in Australia which you just have to live without (unless you can get to the South African shop, which seems an institution any place more than 2 South Africans have emigrated to.) One such treat is Peppermint Crisp. How sad is that? A whole nation of people never knowing the delight of drinking milk through a Peppermint Crisp, no church bazaar with Auntie Sarie's Peppermint Crisp tart? All I can say is "Ag Shampies".

This last week in Cape Town has been pretty close to Rockhampton hell. But lucky for us we have Peppermint Crisp and an ice cream maker. So I pulled out all the cheating tricks I could find and made a really good ice cream, that I think even an Australian might like!

Peppermint Crisp Ice Cream

1lt Ready made custard
250ml Cream
10ml Mint essence ( I like the Butter mint essence)
100g of Peppermint Crisp chopped.

Mix the first 3 ingredients together and chill in the freezer for 2-4 hours.
After about 2.5 hours, whisk up the mixture, just to ensure you don't get any crystals.
Follow the instructions on your ice cream machine, or continue with the manual method of beating the freezing ice cream until it is almost frozen.
Add the chocolate before mixture is completely frozen.
Serve with a little extra Peppermint Crisp crumbled on top.

That's good mate!

1 comment:

  1. How easy is, gonna make it today still!!


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